Euro Truck Simulator 2 - 1.53 Güncellemesi [Ana Konu]

eyy gidi meriç nehri…
h yok :smiley:

maalesef böyle şeylerde scs elindeki modelleri kullanıyor ve o eklenecek alan için birkaç tane özel model tasarlattırıyor. ondan dolayı da her yerde aynı şeyleri görmek artık baymış olabilir ama modlarla burada değiştirilecek çok güzel detaylar var.
harita moduna iş düşüyor çünkü burası resmi bir yer ve gerçek petrol istasyonu, çeltik fabrikası, inşaat malzemeleri satan yerler, makina yerleri vs. eklenecek çok şey var.
buralarda zamanında babamla çok gezsem de artık bi önemi yok. :d çeltik fabrikaları bize mi kaldı hayır sdfdsfsdf o yüzden görmek istemiyorum sdfsdf

++ asker eklemiyorlar. askeri prefabları çok az bu scsnin

7 Beğeni

Hocam ben pazarkuleden 4 metrelik çekme karavanla zor geçtim :slight_smile:

1 Beğeni

Forumda Volvoyu pek beğenmeyenler var gibi.Betadaki arkadaşlar.Yorumunuz nedir?
Sanırım Yunanistanın şehirleri belli olmuş.
Mileage Target List
Birde Dünya Haritasındaki Türkiye Yunanistan arası değişmiş sanırım.

Kırmızı yeni, beyaz eski.

3 Beğeni

ahaha kaydırmak zorunda kaldılar :smiley: neyse güzel çözüm

+volvo fh’yi beğenmeme konusu aracın çok eski modeline alışmamız ve yenisinin özellikle koltuk modeli bana çok garip geliyor ama o dönem öyleydi. bence buradaki neden tamamen algı çünkü oyunun grafikleri değişmiyor. yeni gelecek fh aracı da aynı şasiyi kullanacak ama bize böyle görünmeyecek. diğer modlarla kıyaslanıyorsa o da algıya giriyor. cad baz alınarak modellenmiş. doğru ölçüler bunlar.

3 Beğeni

Dünkü rework’ü çok beğendim, sonunda vites animasyonu gelmiş. Koltuğun sağ aşağısına bakın.

2 Beğeni

Volvo’nun modelleme ölçüleri doğru ama çok erken aşamada oyuna eklenmiş gibi hataları var. Bu kadar zaman beklemişken araca yeni parça seçenekleri de eklerler derken hiç bir şey eklenmemiş olması üzdü biraz. Scs forumda fotoğraf üzerinden anlatıyorum bekli düzelir veya eklenir bazı şeyler daha bir aylık süre var betanın bitmesine.

1 Beğeni

Dediğin Yunanistan kısımlarını forumda haritada çizmişler.

5 Beğeni

Üç sınır kapısının haritalanmasında hatalar var, yanlış koymuş SCS, İpsala Sınır Kapısı Yunan’ı geçtikten kilometreler sonra başlıyor ve diğer üç sınır kapısı da

1 Beğeni

Harita çiziminden kaynaklı. Yol ile kavşak arasındaki yolu koymak için Yunanistan tarafına kaydırılmış.

Harita çizimi düzgün değil. Biri mod ile İpsala’yı koymak istese, haritada Yunanistan topraklarına koymak zorunda kalacak. Bizim vatan Keşan kavşağında bitiyor.

6 Beğeni
Hi everyone,

A new ETS2 build is available in beta public_beta on Steam.

* 0259711 - WOTR - crash on start or job resume
* 0255834 - Driving Academy - controller can't use replay timeline
* 0249825 - Driving Academy - keybind change is not instant
* 0258887 - openGL - <ERROR> [gl] Incomplete FBO: attachment error.
* 0258809 - changed_options - some settings with scrollbar have tolerance before marking as changed
* 0258811 - changed_options - interface - some settings are not affected by reset to defaults
* 0258788 - changed_options - interface - broken locked option tick marking
* 0258814 - changed_options - interface - convoy configure quick replies not marked
* 0259337 - Volvo FH4 - advance coupling issue
* 0259351 - Volvo FH4 - cabine holes
* 0259545 - Volvo FH4 - hole through the cabin
* 0258596 - Volvo FH4 - engine line-up
* 0259316 - Volvo FH4 - Painted front mask UV issue
* 0259317 - Volvo FH4 - 4x2 chassis cover misplaced cutouts
* 0259280 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Missing screws on the right side
* 0259283 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Flickering texture
* 0259284 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Deformed texture
* 0259110 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Centurion exhaust_m issues
* 0259331 - Volvo FH4 - missing roof deflector icon for 8x4 chassis
* 0259279 - Volvo FH4 - interior toys DLC - set_lglass (GPS) floating far from windshield in exterior view
* 0259286 - Volvo FH4 - Globetrotter XL - Gaps
* 0259282 - Volvo FH4 - Cabins - Holes
* 0259279 - Volvo FH4 - interior toys DLC - set_lglass (GPS) floating far from windshield in exterior view
* 0259286 - Volvo FH4 - Globetrotter XL - Gaps
* 0259282 - Volvo FH4 - Cabins - Holes
* 0259112 - Volvo FH4 - Sun Visor Floating Out of Position
* 0259511 - Volvo FH4 - Fh tuning DLC - chrome II grill - gaps
* 0259504 - Volvo FH4 - Rear Mudflaps - Logo glows in the dark
* 0259531 - Volvo FH4 - main mirrors, gaps in exterior model
* 0259507 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Wrong color of the side panel of the gasses treatment system
* 0259501 - Volvo FH4 - Slepper - Gaps
* 0259510 - Volvo FH4 - missing part tags
* 0259498 - Volvo FH4 - Cabins - Black texture on window glass
* 0258631 - Volvo FH4 - weird shadow line on Globetrotter cab
* 0259510 - Volvo FH4 - missing part tags
* 0258660 - Volvo FH4 - Globetrotter XL cab marker lights extremely dim
* 0259278 - Volvo FH4 - HS Schoch DLC - 'David' roofbar - locators poorly positioned.
* 0259675 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Front Bumper - Hole
* 0259686 - Volvo FH4 - FH tuning DLC - Paint&Plastic inlay design
* 0259685 - Volvo FH4 - stock chs_inlay - weird texture
* 0259684 - Volvo FH4 - front bumpers UV issue
* 0259675 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Front Bumper - Hole
* 0259686 - Volvo FH4 - FH tuning DLC - Paint&Plastic inlay design
* 0259685 - Volvo FH4 - stock chs_inlay - weird texture
* 0259684 - Volvo FH4 - front bumpers UV issue
* 0259282 - Volvo FH4 - Cabins - Holes
* 0259641 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Front fender should not be fully chromed or painted
* 0259631 - Volvo FH4 - rear wheels too wide
* 0259633 - Volvo FH4 - headlights - texture issue
* 0259656 - Volvo FH4 - front wheel too far back
* 0259616 - Volvo FH4 - Dancing in Paris - Broken texture
* 0259677 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Side Deflectors - Weak LED lighting and wrong colors
* 0259672 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Rear Fender Top - Missing fastener
* 0259642 - Volvo FH4 - Engine badge with different color
* 0259707 - Volvo FH4 - Lower Grille Guard - License plate out of position
* 0259663 - Volvo FH4 - Sun Visor - Incorrect material
* 0259668 - Volvo FH4 - Heavy Duty Surge - Different design
* 0259803 - Volvo FH4 - Cold Mystery - missing paintjob
* 0259662 - Volvo FH4 - 4x2 sideskirts - broken UV mapping
* 0259658 - Volvo FH4 - 25 Year Edition - Misaligned painting
* 0259510 - Volvo FH4 - missing part tags
* 0259284 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Deformed texture
* 0259510 - Volvo FH4 - missing part tags
* 0258625 - Volvo FH4 - horns float above the cab
* 0259280 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis - Missing screws on the right side
* 0259676 - Volvo FH4 - Sleeper - Deformed texture
* 0259661 - Volvo FH4 - side windows animations linked
* 0259674 - Volvo FH4 - Globetrotter XL - Hole
* 0259666 - Volvo FH4 - HS Schoch DLC - roofbars issue
* 0259847 - Volvo FH4 - Meteor, Metro - Accessories with wrong color
* 0259442 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Problems with bridge
* 0259443 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Reflective posts on road
* 0259444 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Movers without invisible wall or collision
* 0259255 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Gap between railing and bridge
* 0259258 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Gap
* 0259430 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Sunken fence
* 0259431 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Levitating fence
* 0259432 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Gap
* 0259433 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Levitating object
* 0259435 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping signs
* 0259437 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259438 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259439 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Center floor
* 0259441 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Move sign on sidewalk
* 0259434 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping objects
* 0259445 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259446 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259447 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259448 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Duck is too high over water
* 0259449 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping trees
* 0259450 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping trees
* 0259567 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259568 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Empty place
* 0259569 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Levitating powers
* 0259570 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Need rotate reflective posts from here
* 0259571 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259572 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Hole
* 0259573 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Grass through sidewalk
* 0259574 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping pillar
* 0259575 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Disappearing graffiti
* 0259577 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Sharp transition
* 0259578 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Sharp transition
* 0259580 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping barrier
* 0259581 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Popping sign
* 0259582 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - Sharp transition
* 0259229 - Germany_rework - Munich - cutplane disappearing
* 0259228 - Germany_rework - Munich - levitating trees
* 0259225 - Germany_rework - Munich - terrain over map
* 0259220 - Germany_rework - Munich - add invis wall
* 0259219 - Germany_rework - Munich - add invis wall
* 0259309 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole
* 0259341 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole in the distance
* 0257513 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Low detail area
* 0257748 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Popping objects
* 0257768 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Clipping car
* 0257769 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Minigaps
* 0257770 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Clipping terrain and small gap
* 0257771 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Clipping tree
* 0257789 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Signs not compounded 3
* 0257790 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Signs not compounded 1
* 0257791 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Signs not compounded 2
* 0257792 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Unnecessary invisible wall
* 0257905 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Double town sign
* 0259161 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Pop up
* 0259518 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole
* 0259520 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole
* 0259542 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Missing terrain
* 0259839 - Germany_rework - Munich - trees popping
* 0259838 - Germany_rework - Munich - holes in horizon
* 0259547 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Speed limit issue
* 0257766 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Sharp texture transitions
* 0259301 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Sharp transitions
* 0259302 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Gap
* 0259304 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Terrain issue
* 0259305 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Object in collision
* 0259308 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Levitating objects
* 0259311 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Levitating object
* 0259312 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Missing tree beds
* 0259335 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Sharp transition
* 0259338 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Shadow issue
* 0259340 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Objects in collision
* 0259343 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Low LOD buildings close to the road
* 0259396 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Missing road lines
* 0259397 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Missing road lines
* 0259409 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Gap in the wall
* 0259512 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Enviromental area missing
* 0259514 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Missing road
* 0259516 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Pop up
* 0259517 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Pop up
* 0259521 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Tree branch on the road
* 0259523 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Cut
* 0259524 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Sharp transition
* 0259532 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Sharp transition
* 0259540 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole
* 0259541 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Object in collision
* 0259561 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Gaps
* 0259565 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Road lines issue
* 0259566 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Adjust the tunnel
* 0259589 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Gap
* 0259590 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Z fight
* 0259593 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Hole
* 0257789 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Signs not compounded 3
* 0257790 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Signs not compounded 1
* 0259644 - Germany - A9 - barrier on road
* 0230962 - Albanian - Durres - Turn off random events on the entire narrow street
* 0259420 - Albania - Vlorë - road incorrectly tagged
* 0233691 - Albania - Vlore - Cutplane
* 0258126 - Serbia - Belgrade - Adjust the curb
* 0258287 - Serbia - Belgrade - Highway objects in collision
* 0253439 - Serbia - A1 - Disappearing trees
* 0257668 - Spain - A Coruña - Gap
* 0257647 - Spain - A Coruña - Hole
* 0258427 - Spain - Ciudad Real - Adjust the area
* 0258430 - Spain - Ciudad Real - Adjust the area
* 0259416 - North Macedonia - Bitola - missing DLC guards
* 0258851 - admin_13 - Gap
* 0228466 - house_01_fr - missing collision
* 0259048 - car\proseld_suv_midclass_24 - missing wheel particles
* 0224057 - factory_hall_02_balt - Weird shadow
Hi everyone,

A new ETS2 build is available in public beta on Steam.

* 0259595 - sliding_axles - strange movement of mudflaps
* 0258700 - player get red light fine when entering intersection on green light
* 0258717 - changed_options - audio - broken locked option tick marking
* 0259681 - Volvo FH4 - UK cabin - Missing secret in door handle
* 0259655 - Volvo FH4 - 4x2 chassis - fifth wheel position
* 0259850 - Volvo FH4 - Cabin - Hole
* 0259864 - Volvo FH4 - Sunrise - extra color on Chariot rear bumper
* 0259868 - Volvo FH4 - Blade - patch of color overlaps paintjob
* 0259867 - Volvo FH4 - Golden Edge - duplicate paintjob lines
* 0259662 - Volvo FH4 - 4x2 sideskirts - broken UV mapping
* 0258622 - Volvo FH4 - chassis 6x4 - missing ad-blue tank
* 0260068 - Volvo FH4 - Bull Bar - Adjust position
* 0260067 - Volvo FH4 - Front Mask - Hole
* 0260019 - Volvo FH4 - Canopy - misaligned paintjob
* 0259848 - Volvo FH4 - Headlights - Missing flare
* 0260080 - Volvo FH4 - Smoke Puffs - paintjob is cutoff
* 0259850 - Volvo FH4 - Cabin - Hole
* 0260069 - Volvo FH4 - sleeper cab - ext_interior doorframe unpainted.
* 0259958 - Volvo FH4 - front 'volvo' text too small
* 0259657 - Volvo FH4 - Chassis 8x4 - Incorrect model of the post gasses treatment system
* 0259671 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Door Trim - Hole not modeled in model
* 0258617 - Volvo FH4 - Exclusive headlights - Missing chrome parts
* 0259634 - Volvo FH4 - Exclusive headlights - too shiny
* 0259710 - Volvo FH4 - foglights glass too small and missing detail
* 0259618 - Volvo FH4 - Gasses treatment system - Hole in the top panel
* 0258624 - Volvo FH4 - chassis 6x2 and 6x2 taglift issues
* 0260095 - Volvo FH4 - Njord's Resilience - main mirror is only base color
* 0260096 - Volvo FH4 - Space - misaligned paintjob
* 0260112 - Volvo FH4 - Wild - paintjob is misaligned
* 0260116 - Volvo FH4 - Lost for Words - paintjob is missing on main mirror
* 0260171 - Volvo FH4 - Tyr's Wrath - missing paintjob on main mirror
* 0260220 - Volvo FH4 - Front Bumper - Design change after rework
* 0260227 - Volvo FH4 - Freya's Blessing - color mismatch
* 0260226 - Volvo FH4 - Duellist - paintjob is misaligned
* 0259670 - Volvo FH4 - FH Tuning DLC - Rear Bumper - Obsolete taillight
* 0259827 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259812 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Traffic lights on the road
* 0259937 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259939 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the building
* 0259942 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the building
* 0259949 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259952 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259953 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing barrier
* 0259955 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259996 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260109 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0260140 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Buildings are blocking the side roads
* 0260076 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260104 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260141 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0260144 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260145 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0260153 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Speed limit issue
* 0260163 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the area
* 0260153 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Speed limit issue
* 0260245 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0260246 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0259653 - Germany - A9 - change symbol on sign
* 0259654 - Germany - A14 - change symbol on sign
* 0259659 - Germany - A4 - wrong direction on the road sign
* 0259649 - Germany - A10 - missing directional sign
* 0259648 - Germany - A13 - missing directional signs
* 0259650 - Germany - A24 - missing directional signs
* 0259651 - Germany - A10 - change symbol on sign
* 0259652 - Germany - A2 - missing directional signs
* 0259702 - Germany - A5 - missing directional signs/wrong signage
* 0257488 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Sharp texture transitions
* 0259587 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Gaps between houses
* 0259586 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - <ERROR> No priority set for intersection
* 0258055 - Austria - Klagenfurt - Speed limit issue
* 0230429 - Albania - Vlore - Objects above ground
* 0230430 - Albania - Vlore - Missing give way sign
* 0233147 - Albania - Vlore - Ground without collision
* 0233689 - Albania - Vlore - Cutplane
* 0233688 - Albania - Vlore - Low quality fence
* 0233690 - Albania - Vlore - Flickering dirt textures
* 0233697 - Albania - Vlore - Missing invis walls
* 0233687 - Albania - Vlore - Misplaced curb and barrier
* 0233138 - Turkey - D110 - Disappearing AI vehicles (trucks) on road
* 0257126 - Turkey - Highway - Bad placed walls
* 0162014 - Turkey - D.550 - Missing bridge
* 0258439 - Spain - Ciudad Real - Inconsistent speed limit
* 0258511 - Spain - Madrid - Speed limit issue
* 0228001 - Croatia - Split - AI behavior inconsistent with road sign
* 0251067 - logistic_company_03_it - Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0253437 - 6_x_wire_01_ger_crv - Missing electric tower collisions
* 0259844 - car\ixcent_pickup_midclass_24 - broken license plate
* 0259232 - logistic_company_04_it - not enough space for long unload point
* 0259972 - 'prefab.42' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0259969 - 'prefab.188' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0259968 - 'prefab.189' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0259970 - 'prefab.236' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0259971 - 'prefab.151' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
5 Beğeni
Hi everyone,

A new ETS2 build is available in public_beta on Steam.

* 0260433 - Driving Academy - Steam Deck controls issues in Replay screen
* 0259893 - cutscenes - at some condition end of camera path is visible before/during fade out
* 0258771 - changed_options - diiferent timeout when changing draggable settings
* 0260428 - Volvo FH4 - Standard and UK exclusive dashboards look different in external camera
* 0260401 - Volvo FH4 - Halloween Pumpkin - paintjob is misaligned
* 0260400 - Volvo FH4 - 25 Year Edition - tear in a paintjob and misalignment
* 0260614 - Volvo FH4 - Terra Constructor - stripes are flipped
* 0260615 - Volvo FH4 - Winter Blast - placement adjustment
* 0260616 - Volvo FH4 - Vision - shape adjustment
* 0260618 - Volvo FH4 - Red Dragon - main mirror paintjob mismatch
* 0260627 - Volvo FH4 - Year of the Ox - paintjob placement adjustment
* 0260628 - Volvo FH4 - Year of the Tiger - paintjob placement adjustment
* 0260722 - Volvo FH 4 - Lines of Reflection - paintjob is partially missing on 8x4
* 0260630 - Volvo FH4 - Njord's Resilience - Side skirts without design
* 0258615 - Volvo FH4 - Modeling and use of incorrect material
* 0260629 - Volvo FH4 - Midnight Dolphin - application correction
* 0259992 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Traffic lights on the road
* 0259812 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Traffic lights on the road
* 0260257 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Collision on the road
* 0260275 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing terrain
* 0260286 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260309 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260381 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - missing before exit signs
* 0260382 - Germany_rework - Berlin Ring - missing before exit signs
* 0259815 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transitions
* 0259816 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0259817 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0259818 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating objects
* 0259819 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Tree in collision
* 0259820 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0259822 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0259824 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0259829 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0259831 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259911 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0259920 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0259922 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Tilted lamps
* 0259924 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating graffiti
* 0260479 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Train issue
* 0259926 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing texture
* 0259928 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the wall
* 0259929 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Traffic lights on the road
* 0259931 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0259932 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0259934 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0259935 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Road lines issue
* 0259944 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating objects
* 0259945 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road lines
* 0259946 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0259947 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road arrows
* 0259948 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transitions in the area
* 0259950 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating object
* 0259951 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cuts
* 0259954 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing graffiti
* 0259956 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0259957 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation in collision
* 0259959 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issues
* 0259960 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Low LOD tree close to the road
* 0259987 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating decal
* 0259988 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0259990 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259993 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259995 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Holes
* 0260077 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road arrows
* 0260078 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing tree beds
* 0260097 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation in collision
* 0260098 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Park entrance issue
* 0260099 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Z fight
* 0260102 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260105 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Z fight
* 0260106 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260110 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260137 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260138 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260139 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Enviromental area missing
* 0260143 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260146 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road arrows
* 0260147 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road arrows
* 0260148 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260149 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Holes
* 0260151 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Incorrect compound
* 0260154 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Enviromental area missing
* 0260155 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Enviromental area missing
* 0260156 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260157 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the X mark
* 0260158 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating graffiti
* 0260165 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260166 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260167 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260168 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add road sign
* 0260229 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260230 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing road lines
* 0260231 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260232 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260234 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260236 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Holes
* 0260237 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap between buildings
* 0260239 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap between buildings
* 0260240 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Misplaced tree
* 0260241 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0260243 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260244 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0260247 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap between buildings
* 0260248 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260249 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the stairs
* 0260250 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing barrier
* 0260254 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing tree beds
* 0260255 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260256 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260270 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Tree in collision
* 0260271 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Environmental area missing
* 0260272 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260276 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating graffiti
* 0260277 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Environmental area missing
* 0260278 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260279 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Tree branches on the road
* 0260280 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating trees
* 0260289 - Germany_rework - Berlin - gap
* 0260291 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - missing curb
* 0260299 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260300 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Tree branches on the road
* 0260301 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260302 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0260303 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating trees
* 0260305 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260306 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260635 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260650 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the invisible walls
* 0260651 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible walls
* 0260652 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible walls
* 0260653 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Extend the invisible wall
* 0260656 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the invisible wall
* 0260657 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible wall
* 0260661 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible wall
* 0260663 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible walls
* 0260695 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible wall
* 0260701 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust invisible wall
* 0260702 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible walls
* 0260307 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260308 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Reflective posts
* 0260310 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Environmental area missing
* 0260311 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0260312 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260314 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0260315 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Environmental area missing
* 0260318 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Object in collision
* 0260319 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260321 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the view
* 0260322 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation on the pathway
* 0260323 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating bush
* 0260324 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260333 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - tree clipping road
* 0260336 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - move sign
* 0260407 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - levitating rail
* 0260416 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - rail overlapping
* 0260441 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating object
* 0260442 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260443 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating road sign
* 0260446 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260449 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260451 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260453 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing roadlines
* 0260454 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Adjust the area
* 0260459 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260461 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260464 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260465 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260468 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260469 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260470 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issues
* 0260471 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260472 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing road arrows
* 0260474 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260475 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cut
* 0260476 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260477 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260478 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260480 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260533 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - move sign
* 0260631 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Block the way
* 0260632 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Move the arrows
* 0260633 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260634 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260636 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260648 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sunken X marks
* 0260654 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sunken X mark
* 0260662 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260671 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Area not visible
* 0260696 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260697 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation missing collision
* 0260699 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps
* 0260719 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Shadow issue
* 0260720 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0259821 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259825 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259921 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0259925 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating decal
* 0259938 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0259940 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259941 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0259943 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0259989 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0259994 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260079 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sunken building
* 0260735 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add road signs
* 0260771 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Speed limit issue
* 0260773 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Speed limit issue
* 0260739 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sign in collision
* 0260742 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain inconsistency
* 0260782 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0260101 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Missing tree bed
* 0260103 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating trees
* 0260108 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260150 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260233 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260235 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating decal
* 0260238 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Disappearing texture
* 0260242 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating object
* 0260273 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Terrain issue
* 0260292 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - gap
* 0260293 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - terrain connection
* 0260313 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260320 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260346 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - sunken rail
* 0260417 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - rail connection
* 0260445 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating decal
* 0260448 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Car in collision
* 0260456 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Sharp transition
* 0260463 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating line
* 0260467 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260473 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating object
* 0260534 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - remove sign
* 0260535 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - toll bridge facing wrong direction
* 0260541 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - rail clipping bridge
* 0260718 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating graffiti
* 0260808 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Traffic lights on the road
* 0260830 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Speed limit issue
* 0260652 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Add invisible walls
* 0260798 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gaps in distance
* 0260799 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap in distance
* 0260800 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap in distance
* 0260801 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260809 - Germany_rework - Berlin - gap
* 0260831 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Gap
* 0260480 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260832 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260449 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260459 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260838 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating object
* 0260848 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260851 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260853 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0259951 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Cuts
* 0259944 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Levitating objects
* 0260874 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260803 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - floating sign
* 0260805 - Germany_rework - Berlin - water in underground
* 0260806 - Germany_rework - Berlin - gap
* 0260807 - Germany_rework - Berlin - gap
* 0259938 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Vegetation issue
* 0260286 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Hole
* 0260851 - Germany_rework - Berlin - Pop up
* 0260787 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - wrong text on sign
* 0260678 - Germany_rework - Berlin ring - missing directional sign
* 0219539 - Germany - Rostock - Missing icon on sign
* 0260341 - Germany - Stuttgart - levitating traffic pole
* 0260581 - Germany - A9 - Hole in map
* 0260670 - Germany - A3 - disappearing vegetation
* 0259647 - Germany - A11 - missing directional sign
* 0257342 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Minigap
* 0257438 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Floating terrain and trees in the distance
* 0257521 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Sharp terrain
* 0258901 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Terrain issue
* 0258913 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Terrain issue
* 0258937 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Levitating objects
* 0258938 - Germany_rework - Mannheim - Terrain issue
* 0260325 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - Missing company sign
* 0260342 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - levitating sign
* 0260332 - Germany_rework - Mannheim ring - text on sign
* 0257824 - kogel_cool - freight markt trailer - upper marker lamp texture cut off
* 0257823 - kogel_cool - owned trailer - upper marker lamp texture cut off
* 0257820 - kogel_cool - owned trailer - no lightmask on the marker lamps
* 0260567 - Special Transport - Berlin to Szczecin - Collision
* 0247500 - restaurant_advert_menu_01_de - <ERROR> [model] Unknown look name 'default' on model
* 0260906 - Bulgaria - A3/E79 - Pernik to Kulata - Empty sign
* 0259552 - supermarket_small_01_at - Small billboard missing collision
* 0259554 - light_factory_aluminium_01_blkw - Vehicle missing dynamic collision
* 0256213 - gate_big_01_ibe - Missing collision
* 0256569 - car_factory_hall_ibe - Missing collision
* 0259529 - shop_advert_02_gr - Z-fight
* 0257632 - nuc_pow_civaux_building_01_fr - Missing collision
* 0259965 - prefab.d_min_pln3 - <ERROR> [model] Unknown variant name 'gr_rock'*
* 0256052 - Albania - SH8 - Vlorë to Kakavia - Adjust invisible walls
* 0260914 - Bulgaria - A3/E79 - Pernik to Kulata - Road signs issue
* 0255237 - water_silo_01_ibe - Z fight
Hi everyone,

A new ETS2 build is available in branch public_beta on Steam.

* 0261160 - Germany_rework - Berlin - gap
* 0261161 - Germany_rework - Berlin - cutplane on depot
* 0259798 - Germany - photo trophy - Football Arena Munich - Failed to find the far model child item
* 0261030 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - add start of highway sign
* 0261029 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - add end of highway sign
* 0261028 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - add right of way sign
* 0261026 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - remove sign
* 0261015 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - grass at garage
* 0261014 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - popping
* 0261001 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - levitating assets
* 0261003 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - grass inside road
* 0261005 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - sharp transition
* 0261006 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - vegetation on road
* 0260317 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - sign on road
* 0260344 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - levitating objects
* 0260297 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - hole
* 0260175 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - hole
* 0260173 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - floating rail
* 0260172 - Germany_rework - Munich ring - add invis wall
* 0247520 - cowhouse_03_fr - Missing collision
* 0253436 - woodboxs01_pile_sc - Missing box collisions
* 0257009 - rafinery_tower_08_it - Missing collision
* 0252064 - furniture_factory_balt - missing enviromental area
* 0260980 - admin_08b_fr - Z fight
* 0245278 - storage_tank_11_it - missing collision
* 0256831 - rafinery_tower_06_it - Missing collision
* 0256182 - DAF XD - Digital rearview mirror - Inverted image
* 0261102 - prefab.dlc_it_155' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
* 0261101 - 'prefab.dlc_balt_207' - <ERROR> Invalid texgen value detected!
1 Beğeni

World of Trucks’ta bakım var. Doğal olarak ETS 2 veya ATS’den birisine tamamlanacak. İlk çıkan da tamamlanabilir bilemiyorum.

1 Beğeni

Bence biten etkinlikleri kaldırıyorlar.

Dün etkinlikler bitti. Bakımın ana sebebi bu. İlla bugün gelecek diye bir şey yok.

Bakım bitmiş bu arada.

1 Beğeni

1.53 gelmedi bugün. Kim bilir, belki yarın belki yarından da yakın.

World of Truck sunucuları bakıma girdi. Sizce ETS2 1.53 mü gelecek yoksa ATS mi?

1 Beğeni

Bence ilk ETS 2’ye gelecek ilk ona 1.53 beta geldiği için. Fakat ATS beta tamamlama süreci daha hızlı ilerlemişse ATS önce gelebilir.

2 Beğeni