Cascadia bekliyorduk western gelecekmiş umarım yeni modeli gelir cascadia merdeces indi galiba amma naz yaptı ya western gelince ben mack anthemle birlikte kullanacağım 1 hafta birini diğer hafta ötekini güzel olacak hadi hayırlısı
Oyun piyasası ekran kartı almaya her zaman zorlar bunu unutmayın piyasa böyle işliyor.
Freightliner ve Western Star Daimler’e ait biri gelirse diğeriyle de anlaşırlar diye umuyorum
Western Star, Freghtliner markaları Daimler AG iştirakine bağlıdır. Merkezleri Oregon Portland’dadır.
Hatta Freightliner ve Western Star’ın direksiyonları Mercedes Actros MP4 direksiyonuna benzer.
Bir ekleme daha benden olsun Ayrıca 480ps gücünden 630ps gücüne kadar olan MB motorları ni kullanır. Aynı wag grubundaki Skoda, Seat gibi Vw motorunu kullanması gibi… Detroit motor diye geçer ayrıca hayırlısı olsun bakalım
Bende direksiyondan dolayı mercedes demiştim birde daimler mercedesin diye duydum gibime geliyor.
Zaten Mercedes’in devamı olan bir şirket. Bünyesinde birçok marka bulunduruyor. Daha fazla bilgi için wikipedi’nin ingilizce sayfasına bakabilirsin.
Volvo, Renault Trucks, Terex ve Mack, Volvo Group bünyesinde; Kenworth, Peterbilt ve DAF da Paccar bünyesinde bulunuyor. International ise Navistar International adlı bir şirkete ait. Navistar ABD ordusuna zırhlı araç da üretiyor. Ayrıca General Motors ve Ford ile de bazı ortak işleri bulunuyor. CATERPILLAR CT660 da Garland, Texas’ta bulunan Navistar fabrikasında üretiliyor. Bu da ek bilgi olsun
A new ATS build is available in public beta on Steam.
colour picker:
treat the empty user color slots as the default button color
set black color to paintjob channels which are not present in the preset
map bug fixes:
0100972 - California - Sacramento - Lamp on garage spot
0115477 - Sacramento - Mack trucks in ground
0119403 - Idaho - Sandpoint - Sign in the wrong place
0116748 - /prefab/cross_temp/us_cross_2-1-2_city_x_1-1_country_tmpl.pmd - Disappearing road marking
0119240 - Oregon - Coos Bay - Invisible wall on road
0119201 - Oregon - US 97 - Invisible wall on road
0119390 - Utah - Cedar City - Sign under the ground
0119331 - Utah - I-15 - Incorrect route shield
0119332 - Utah - I-15 - Sign clipping
0114387 - Kenworth W900 - Classic Stripes DLC - Infinity paintjob color on roof
0116216 - scs_flatbed - Paintjob - Serenity
Mack Anthemde daimler inmiş şimdi selçuk abşden duydum. Volvo bence ayrı bir grup olmnası lazım reno ile birlikte
A new ATS build is available in public beta on Steam.
0119387 - Nevada - Winnemucca - Hole
0111561 - Nevada - US 95 - Bushes above ground
0119620 - New Mexico - I-40 - Remove grass
0116748 - /prefab/cross_temp/us_cross_2-1-2_city_x_1-1_country_tmpl.pmd - Disappearing road marking
0115623 - Idaho - US 95 - Terrain appears too late 06
0119022 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of textures
0119618 - Arizona - US 191 - Missing map route markers
0119372 - Missing view point icon in map help
0119351 - Oregon - North of Ontario - I-84 - Grass on the road
0115727 - Container Carrier - Misplaced ADR signs
0115728 - Container Carrier - Black stripes
0108155 - Utah - US 191 - AI not yielding
0119203 - "Take job" button missing even though preselected
A new ATS build is available in public beta on Steam.
0119260 - Utah - SR 30 - Disappearing gate
0088707 - Washington - Tacoma - Gate disappear
0119094 - Near Grangeville - Gap near road.
0119095 - Grangeville - Gap
0118390 - Discovered dealership interface - click area we icons of brands with problem
Bahsi geçtiyse kaçırmışım, geçmediyse ben söylemiş olayım.
Mack Anthem, AI trafiğe ve park yerlerine eklenmiş.
Ekleneli bir günceleme olmadı bu be hız.Darısı etsdeki malum iki çekiciye.(kesin lisans sorunu çıkmıştır ondan
A new ATS build is available in public beta on Steam.
MacOS optimization.
Fixed vegetation generation on asphalt roads and generally unsuitable space.
Added cut plane limit rotation
improved handling of eye-tracking preset creation
0119963 - Oregon - Ontario - levitating lamp inside the road
0119257 - Oregon - Ontario - Adjust collision walls
0119007 - Oregon - I-84 - Trees above ground
0119015 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
0119730 - Oregon - Ontario - Object above ground
0120054 - us_cross_0-3_country_t_1-1_country_mirrored - AI ignoring red light
0116710 - Oregon - near Ontario - Vehicle too low
0116709 - Oregon - Ontario - Flickering texture
0116646 - Oregon - near Ontario - Sharp transition of texture
0120041 - us_cross_0_2_country_x_1-1-1_country_new - AI not using signal turning right
0116660 - Oregon - near Ontario - Sharp transition of texture
0116662 - Oregon - near Ontario - Sharp transition of texture
0119964 - Oregon - Ontario - missing terrain
0116218 - depots/farm - some colisions needs fixes
0120057 - Nevada - SR 225 - Shrubbery clipping guardrails
0120055 - Nevada - SR 225 - near Idaho border - Grass in road
0120060 - Nevada - Elko - Coastline Mining - Shrubbery clipping barrier
0119941 - New Mexico - Las Cruces - Hole 15
0118550 - Oregon - US 97 - Remove background with trees
0119243 - Oregon - I-84 - Remove grass
0119230 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of textures
0119229 - Oregon - I-84 - Car have wheels in ground
0119231 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
0119246 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
0119226 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
0119228 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
0119220 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of texture + remove texture
0119027 - Oregon - I-84 - Incorrect diesel price
0119066 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of textures
0119933 - game: ensure all oversize blocks referencing the destroyed rule are removed
A new ATS build is available in public beta on Steam.
- 0068503 - California - I-8 - Speed of the ramps
- 0119287 - California - San Diego - Electricity pole on road
- 0119811 - Oregon - Idaho - US 95 - Sharp transition 02
- 0119812 - Oregon - Idaho - US 95 - Grass on road 01
- 0119814 - Oregon - US 95 - Grass trough walls and road
- 0119813 - Oregon - US 95 - Hole 14
- 0119257 - Oregon - Ontario - Adjust collision walls
- 0119930 - Washington - near Spokane - Tree on road
- 0118484 - street_house4b.pmd - Visible LOD change
- 0118484 - street_house4b.pmd - Visible LOD change
- 0118441 - /model/sign/company_logos/sunshine_crops/entrance_sign.pmd - Dark logo
- 0120249 - Oregon - I-84 - Billboard above ground
- 0120248 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
- 0120246 - Oregon - I-84 - Remove shrubs
- 0120242 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of textures
- 0120245 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
- 0120243 - Oregon - I-84 - Road decal above ground
- 0120244 - Oregon - I-84 - Hole in map
- 0120247 - Oregon - I-84 - Sharp transition of textures
- 0119924 - Washington - near Wenatchee - Tree on road
- 0116236 - Washington - US 97 - Sharp transition of texture
- 0116237 - Washington - near Wenatchee - Sharp transition of texture
- 0116271 - Washington - near Wenatchee - Remove texture
- 0116272 - Washington - near Wenatchee - Hole
- 0116278 - Washington - near Wenatchee - Gap
- 0116282 - Washington - Wenatchee - Decal above ground
- 0119598 - wa_wenatchee_welcome.pmd - Missing collision
- 0120132 - Washington - I-90 - Sign behind tree 01 & 02
- 0120132 - Washington - I-90 - Sign behind tree 01 & 02
- 0119573 - Utah - Errors in Log - Obsolete traffic rule - private road
A new ATS build is available public beta on Steam.
- enlarged window to show last item (pedestrian check box)
- fixed model part name center to center1
- dlc_or: bugfix 0120248
- don’t generate detail vegetation on LOD geometry
ATS build
fine-tuned adaptive shifting balance
and many fixes to Idaho
- trucks sound - update to fmod 2.1
- dlc_mack_anthem: - improved positional lights color on headlamps
- 0113792 - Nevada - Winnemucca road 80 - badly connected fence/asphalt
- 0113783 - Oregon - OR 78 - Remove grass
- 0111708 - Oregon - US95 - Disappearing hills
- 0119294 - Nevada - Jackpot - Hydrant
- 0112105 - Washington - Spokane - Disappearing building