Euro Truck Simulator 2 - 1.35 Güncellemesi [Ana Konu]

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Dx11 oyun acılmıyor

Vidyolarda defalarca söylendi. Her vidyoda bahsedildi ve Ats konusunda da yazıldı diye hatırlıyorum abi.

1 Beğeni

Dude. You shouldn’t be here
Dostum. Burada olmamalısın

4 Beğeni

Yolları çok sevdim. Artık Sardunya’dan çıkmam :smiley:

3 Beğeni

evet %125 ölçeklendirme

evet alt+tab yapınca oyun geri gelmiyor yeniden açmak gerek umarum düzeltilir yakında

işte izlemeye fırsat bulamadık burdaki notlara baktım sadece… öyleyse tamamdır…

1 Beğeni

1.35 deneysel beta da şöyle bir sorun yakaladım tırın göstergesindeki hızla navigasyondaki hız uyumlu değil

resimdeki gibi olay

2 Beğeni

Acaba hız sabitleyici ekranı olabilir mi o?

Diğer yandan 1.35 güncellemesi çok iyi olmuş. En sevdiğim nokta tır fiziği. Artık daha iyi süspansiyon ayarı olduğu için, gerçeğe çok daha yakın hale geliyor. Hız yapınca devrilmesi daha gerçekçi oynanış sunuyor.

Oyundan atma veya oyunda herhangi bir bug ile karşılaşmadım. Ayrıca ben de biraz daha fazla FPS artışı oldu.

2 Beğeni

Gece gece güncelleme gelmiş sabah gördüm :smiley: Güncelleme notları:

  • fixed weight distribution of (non-semi)-trailers
  • fixed crash on truck stability change (0081484)
  • fixed driving off steep inclines with throttle only (no brakes)
  • show dynamic LOD info in the content browser
  • better detection of vertex layout for complex truck paint (83525)
  • improved traffic trajectory rule
  • fixed AI vehicle suspension simulation (0082319)
  • fixed urban speed limit not being canceled for AI vehicles in some cases (0082881)
  • fixed accessing properties of invalid traffic lanes in some cases
  • fixed finding an incorrect closest item for traffic prefabs in some cases
  • fixed showing incorrect hud limit in some cases (0083071)
  • fix NaN in leaves effect (79978)
  • Improve helper for handling hid device addition/removal notifications on Windows
  • add missing viewport for gfx_clear (82545)
  • Setting “brightness” from the application should now work again in dx11.

Added v-sync support (r_vsync) (dx11)

  • V-Sync value meaning:
  • r_vsync 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
  • 0 - v-sync off
  • 1 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate
  • 2 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 2
  • 3 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 4
  • 4 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 8

Several of the many repaired maps bugs reported by our testers and your help!:

  • 0083289 - Denmark - E20 - Remove texture
  • 0083216 - Denmark - E47 - bollard through crash barriers
  • 0083791 - France - near Lille - A2 - Texture not loading in the distance
  • 0083790 - France - near Paris - Texture not loading in the distance
  • 0083506 - France - Country road - Straw bales above ground
  • 0083435 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Missing gas station logo
  • 0083459 - France - near Dijon - Cutplane
  • 0083444 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
  • 0083462 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
  • 0083465 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
  • 0083436 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Sign in the crash barrier
  • 0083438 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Floating cones
  • 0081351 - France - road between A6 and N44 - AI stops behind the stop line
  • 0083336 - Germany - near Dortmund - A45 - Signs in road
  • 0083349 - Germany - near Dortmund - A2/A45 - Low-quality vehicle
  • 0083333 - Germany - Dortmund - Disappearing objects
  • 0083352 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing shrubs
  • 0083350 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
  • 0083346 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
  • 0083335 - Germany - Kiel - Few bugs
  • 0083337 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
  • 0083815 - Germany - Rostock - Remove grass
  • 0083814 - Germany - Rostock - Disappearing cart
  • 0083834 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
  • 0083832 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
  • 0083830 - Germany - A6 - Fence above ground
  • 0083829 - Germany - A6 - Sign above ground
  • 0083827 - Germany - A6 - Problem with road marking
  • 0083825 - Germany - A6 - Sign above ground
  • 0083824 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
  • 0083821 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove bollards
  • 0083819 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove bollards
  • 0083818 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove grass
  • 0083816 - Germany - Stuttgart - Remove grass
  • 0083601 - Germany - Erfurt - mover hen
  • 0083565 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
  • 0083569 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
  • 0083571 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing objects
  • 0083572 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
  • 0083534 - Germany - Mannheim - Cutplane
  • 0083407 - Germany - A9 - Remove texture
  • 0083759 - Germany - near Erfurt - Incorrect city names on signs
  • 0083356 - Germany - A7 - Cutplane
  • 0083357 - Germany - A7 - Disappearing trees
  • 0083359 - Germany - A7 - Drowned hay bales
  • 0083360 - Germany - A7 - Disappearing objects
  • 0083330 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Disappearing objects
  • 0083303 - Germany - A3 - Disappearing trees
  • 0079308 - Germany - Osnabrück - bad texture
  • 0077532 - Germany - near Mannheim - Misplaced signs
  • 0083127 - Germany - Duisburg - Gap in terrain
  • 0082515 - Germany - A3 - Shrubs above ground
  • 0082527 - Germany - near Erfurt - Trees and shrubs without collision
  • 0083128 - Germany - Kassel - a column has cut plan
  • 0082520 - Germany - near Erfurt - Problem with road markings
  • 0082535 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Missing invisible walls
  • 0082985 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Cutplane
  • 0082997 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Missing invisible walls
  • 0081479 - Germany - Highway 1 - Hole
  • 0081480 - Germany - Highway 1 - Hole
  • 0081481 - Germany - Highway 2 - Hole
  • 0082973 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Sign above ground
  • 0082971 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Hole in map
  • 0082975 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Hole in map
  • 0082976 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Drowned building
  • 0082977 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Object above ground
  • 0082979 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Sign above ground
  • 0082981 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Barrier in the fence
  • 0082982 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Wires goes through the building
  • 0082984 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Low-quality tree
  • 0082989 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Flickering texture
  • 0082991 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Flickering texture
  • 0082995 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
  • 0082996 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
  • 0082834 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
  • 0082827 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Cutplane
  • 0078882 - Germany - A3 - weird texture
  • 0083510 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - Hole
  • 0081581 - Italy - Highway A7 - Hole
  • 0083383 - Italy - Sardinia - Flying unload point
  • 0083176 - Italy - Town (Artena - Scenery)
  • 0083151 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - Trucks crosses the fence
  • 0083175 - Italy - Town (Artena - Curb and person)
  • 0083177 - Italy - Highway A1 - Trees
  • 0082967 - Italy - Villa S.G. - Barrier
  • 0082940 - Italy - Road A20 - Hole
  • 0082886 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - stretch the sidewalk + take away trees from the road
  • 0083008 - Italy - Highway A12 - Guardrail
  • 0080747 - Italy - Sardinia - Olbia - Sharp transition of texture
  • 0083178 - Poland - near Wroclaw - Traffic sign
  • 0082614 - Sweden - Trelleborg - weird light on a bridge
  • 0083755 - Truck Manager button problem
  • 0083072 - Russia - Near St Petersburg - AI through the fence
  • 0083067 - Finland - Helsinki - missing invisible wall
  • 0083014 - Lithuania - Highway A11 - Sign
  • 0082876 - Russia - Kaliningrad - Traffic sign
  • 0083015 - Lithuania - Highway A18 - Sign
  • 0083761 - Latvia - Riga - Prefab collision
  • 0083592 - Russia - Highway A118 - the word (??? is wrong)
  • 0083792 - Finland - near Kotka - Hole
  • 0083293 - /prefab2/ika/ika_01_fr.ppd - Flickering textures and gap in the building
  • 0083789 - Switzerland - near Zürich - Sign is placed too close to the road
  • 0083749 - Sardinia - near Cagliari - Hole in map
  • 0083515 - /prefab/sawmill/sawmill_02.ppd - Wrong unloading place
  • 0083327 - Scania S flying in service - Cagliari - Italia
  • 0082909 - /road_template/ger/ger_road_2_1.pmd - Remove small bumps
  • 0083179 - PL-D border - Hole
  • 0083012 - LV-LT border - Traffic signs
  • 0082910 - Latvia - near Riga - Flashing Speed Sign
  • 0073353 - owned SCS double trailer - rear bumper for the 1st trailer - exclusive is missing shadow caster
  • 0079016 - Erfurt - AI slowing unnecessarily at the second yield sign
  • 0080175 - DX11 - Texture irregularities (Normal maps)
  • 0080334 - dx11 - material seems malformed on selected trailer wheel types
  • 0073632 - MAN TGX Euro 6 - Small gaps
  • 0080625 - Finland - near Turku - Stop line
1 Beğeni

tamam da hız sabitleyicisi 68 km de fakat ibreye dikkatli bak 60 ın üzerine bile çıkmamış sorun bu. belki büyük bir sorun değil ama dikkat çekiyor.

1 Beğeni

A new ETS2 build is available in experimental beta on Steam.

fixed weight distribution of (non-semi)-trailers
fixed crash on truck stability change (0081484)
fixed driving off steep inclines with throttle only (no brakes)
show dynamic LOD info in the content browser
better detection of vertex layout for complex truck paint (83525)
improved traffic trajectory rule
fixed AI vehicle suspension simulation (0082319)
fixed urban speed limit not being canceled for AI vehicles in some cases (0082881)
fixed accessing properties of invalid traffic lanes in some cases
fixed finding an incorrect closest item for traffic prefabs in some cases
fixed showing incorrect hud limit in some cases (0083071)
fix NaN in leaves effect (79978)
Improve helper for handling hid device addition/removal notifications on Windows
add missing viewport for gfx_clear (82545)
Setting "brightness" from the application should now work again in dx11.

Added v-sync support (r_vsync) (dx11)

V-Sync value meaning:
r_vsync 0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
0 - v-sync off
1 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate
2 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 2
3 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 4
4 - v-sync to monitor refresh rate / 8

Several of the many repaired maps bugs reported by our testers and your help!:

0083289 - Denmark - E20 - Remove texture
0083216 - Denmark - E47 - bollard through crash barriers
0083791 - France - near Lille - A2 - Texture not loading in the distance
0083790 - France - near Paris - Texture not loading in the distance
0083506 - France - Country road - Straw bales above ground
0083435 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Missing gas station logo
0083459 - France - near Dijon - Cutplane
0083444 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
0083462 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
0083465 - France - near Dijon - Hole in map
0083436 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Sign in the crash barrier
0083438 - France - road between A6 and A10 - Floating cones
0081351 - France - road between A6 and N44 - AI stops behind the stop line
0083336 - Germany - near Dortmund - A45 - Signs in road
0083349 - Germany - near Dortmund - A2/A45 - Low-quality vehicle
0083333 - Germany - Dortmund - Disappearing objects
0083352 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing shrubs
0083350 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
0083346 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
0083335 - Germany - Kiel - Few bugs
0083337 - Germany - Kiel - Disappearing objects
0083815 - Germany - Rostock - Remove grass
0083814 - Germany - Rostock - Disappearing cart
0083834 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
0083832 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
0083830 - Germany - A6 - Fence above ground
0083829 - Germany - A6 - Sign above ground
0083827 - Germany - A6 - Problem with road marking
0083825 - Germany - A6 - Sign above ground
0083824 - Germany - A6 - Sharp transition of texture
0083821 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove bollards
0083819 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove bollards
0083818 - Germany - near Bremen - Remove grass
0083816 - Germany - Stuttgart - Remove grass
0083601 - Germany - Erfurt - mover hen
0083565 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
0083569 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
0083571 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing objects
0083572 - Germany - Stuttgart - Disappearing hedges
0083534 - Germany - Mannheim - Cutplane
0083407 - Germany - A9 - Remove texture
0083759 - Germany - near Erfurt - Incorrect city names on signs
0083356 - Germany - A7 - Cutplane
0083357 - Germany - A7 - Disappearing trees
0083359 - Germany - A7 - Drowned hay bales
0083360 - Germany - A7 - Disappearing objects
0083330 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Disappearing objects
0083303 - Germany - A3 - Disappearing trees
0079308 - Germany - Osnabrück - bad texture
0077532 - Germany - near Mannheim - Misplaced signs
0083127 - Germany - Duisburg - Gap in terrain
0082515 - Germany - A3 - Shrubs above ground
0082527 - Germany - near Erfurt - Trees and shrubs without collision
0083128 - Germany - Kassel - a column has cut plan
0082520 - Germany - near Erfurt - Problem with road markings
0082535 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Missing invisible walls
0082985 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Cutplane
0082997 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Missing invisible walls
0081479 - Germany - Highway 1 - Hole
0081480 - Germany - Highway 1 - Hole
0081481 - Germany - Highway 2 - Hole
0082973 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Sign above ground
0082971 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Hole in map
0082975 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Hole in map
0082976 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Drowned building
0082977 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Object above ground
0082979 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Sign above ground
0082981 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Barrier in the fence
0082982 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Wires goes through the building
0082984 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Low-quality tree
0082989 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Flickering texture
0082991 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Flickering texture
0082995 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
0082996 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
0082834 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Remove grass
0082827 - Germany - near Nürnberg - Cutplane
0078882 - Germany - A3 - weird texture
0083510 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - Hole
0081581 - Italy - Highway A7 - Hole
0083383 - Italy - Sardinia - Flying unload point
0083176 - Italy - Town (Artena - Scenery)
0083151 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - Trucks crosses the fence
0083175 - Italy - Town (Artena - Curb and person)
0083177 - Italy - Highway A1 - Trees
0082967 - Italy - Villa S.G. - Barrier
0082940 - Italy - Road A20 - Hole
0082886 - Italy - Sardinia - near Olbia - stretch the sidewalk + take away trees from the road
0083008 - Italy - Highway A12 - Guardrail
0080747 - Italy - Sardinia - Olbia - Sharp transition of texture
0083178 - Poland - near Wroclaw - Traffic sign
0082614 - Sweden - Trelleborg - weird light on a bridge
0083755 - Truck Manager button problem
0083072 - Russia - Near St Petersburg - AI through the fence
0083067 - Finland - Helsinki - missing invisible wall
0083014 - Lithuania - Highway A11 - Sign
0082876 - Russia - Kaliningrad - Traffic sign
0083015 - Lithuania - Highway A18 - Sign
0083761 - Latvia - Riga - Prefab collision
0083592 - Russia - Highway A118 - the word (????? is wrong)
0083792 - Finland - near Kotka - Hole
0083293 - /prefab2/ika/ika_01_fr.ppd - Flickering textures and gap in the building
0083789 - Switzerland - near Zürich - Sign is placed too close to the road
0083749 - Sardinia - near Cagliari - Hole in map
0083515 - /prefab/sawmill/sawmill_02.ppd - Wrong unloading place
0083327 - Scania S flying in service - Cagliari - Italia
0082909 - /road_template/ger/ger_road_2_1.pmd - Remove small bumps
0083179 - PL-D border - Hole
0083012 - LV-LT border - Traffic signs
0082910 - Latvia - near Riga - Flashing Speed Sign
0073353 - owned SCS double trailer - rear bumper for the 1st trailer - exclusive is missing shadow caster
0079016 - Erfurt - AI slowing unnecessarily at the second yield sign
0080175 - DX11 - Texture irregularities (Normal maps)
0080334 - dx11 - material seems malformed on selected trailer wheel types
0073632 - MAN TGX Euro 6 - Small gaps
0080625 - Finland - near Turku - Stop line
2 Beğeni

“neden dx12 geçmiyorlar”
sen dx12 destekli oyun oynadın mı?
… error


4 Beğeni

DirectX 9 was released in 2002 for Windows 98 through XP, and currently on or supported by all subsequent versions. Microsoft continues to make changes in DirectX 9c, causing support to be dropped for some of the aforementioned operating systems. As of January 2007, Windows 2000 or XP is required. This also introduced Pixel Shader 2.0.

yarabbim biz ne günah işledik :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:

4 Beğeni

sarp kürkçü zamanında anlatmıştı o ara facebook’taki grupta paylaşmıştım yeniden izleyin bence

3 Beğeni

kızdırmayın ulan hasanı :smiley:

1 Beğeni

DX 12’ye geçmemelerinin en büyük sebebi her ekran kartının desteklememesi. Sadece Windows 10’da çalışması. En büyük sebep bu ikisi. Adamlar herkes oynayabilsin diye daha fazla destek sunuyorlar.

Diğer yandan evet DX 12 oyun oynadım. Mükemmel. Optimizasyon çok daha iyi ve çok daha stabil FPS veriyor. Diğer yandan grafiklerde bariz bir yükselme oluyor.

Buradan farkını izleyebilirsiniz:

Bu video eskiden Microsoft resmi kanalındaydı. Sonradan silindi. Fakat orijinal karşılaştırması budur.

3 Beğeni

Optimizede daha önemli olan şey oyun motoru ve yazılımcının becerisidir. Bu ikisinden biri ya da her ikisi kötü olduktan sonra DX bilmem kaç olmuş hiçbir fayda etmez. (Bkz. Fernbus) O yüzden DX (x) daha iyidir ya da daha kötüdür diyemeyiz. Oyuna göre değerlendirme yapmak daha doğrudur. (Örneğin ETS 2 için DX11 daha performanslıdır gibi.) Bir oyunda DX11 harikalar yaratırken üstteki sebeplerden dolayı ötekisinde berbat da çalışabilir. Yani özetle DX 11 ya da 12 her neyse avantajlar sağlayabilir ama bunlar teoriktir. DX, amaç değil araçtır. Uygulamadaki etkisi yazılımcıya bağlıdır…

2 Beğeni

DX12 desteği geçen Fernbus’a eklendi :smiley: hatta şu an oynadığım Diesel Brothers için de seçenek getirmişler ama ne fayda? :smiley: sdfsfsd

2 Beğeni

Keşke herkes bu ayrımı yapabilse dostum, bilgilendirmen için teşekkürler güzel bir paragraf daha okudum forumda :slight_smile:

3 Beğeni